Orpheus Studio Productions presents a staged adaptation of Richard Campbell’s progressive rock concept album Frankenstein, a thrilling musical portrayal of the original sci-fi horror.
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is brought to life by the electrifying impact of live rock music. Witness a faithful re-telling of the classic gothic novel, during a night at the opera like no other.
Frankenstein: The Metal Opera was filmed over six performances at The Space, London in October 2014.
Victor Frankenstein - Roy Ryan
The Creature - Duncan Drury
Robert Walton - James Craze
Elizabeth Lavenza - Anya Hamilton
Jacob - Max Panks
Florence / Justine - Charlotte de Paeztron
Drums - Richard Campbell
Guitar - Rhys Llewellyn
Bass - Michael Pettit
Director - Alan Mandel
Musical Director / Composer - Richard Campbell
Writer - Carol Pestridge
Design - Orpheus Studio Productions
Lighting Designer - Sarah Sage
Production Electrician - Louise Sage
Lighting Assistant - Keith Ramsey
Costume Designer - Sarah Dutton
SFX Make-up Designer - Ali Reith
SFX Make-up Artist - Fabiola Bastianelli
Set - Paul Campbell
Props - Barbara Campbell
Sound Operator - Alexander Broad
Soundscape Designer - Yvonne Gilbert
Fight Director - Tom Jordan
Movement Director - Sandra Maturana
Production Management - IOGIG Ltd, Olivia Dermot Walsh & Ian Taylor
Stage Manager - Carol Pestridge
Assistant Stage Manager - Ellie Richards
Filmed By - John Lynch, Ian Martin & Alan Mandel
Special thanks to: Lynn & Keith Ramsey, Azerbaijan House, Sarah Hopkins, Regents Park Open Air Theatre, John Lynch, Ian Martin, Ashley Anzie, Carl Beu, George Fairbairn, Westbury Carpets, The Landless Theatre Company and ALL OF OUR KICKSTARTER BACKERS!